Welcome to SRW Collections

Sheila Rowland-Wilson

Owner/Creative Designer 

I am the founder and creator of SRW Collections. In 2019, SRW Collections came to life on my visit to Tokyo, Japan.  After discovering beautiful beads in that region, I began handcrafting jewelry for my family and friends.  My passion was to share unique treasures from all over the world. Each piece is exclusive jewelry created in love. They encouraged me to share my jewelry and accessory designs with the world.  

SRW Collection’s Mission is to provide handcrafted jewelry styles for everyone and every occasion. Today I have combined pieces that I have designed, along with local designers, and handcrafted jewelry from different regions around the world. 

And for those who wonder why this page is found under the About Us link.....Well that is because it's me and God on this journey,  sharing His blessings. And it's About Us! 


Please follow me on all social media platforms, IG and Facebook.